OpenPKG Corporation
OpenPKG CorporationAbout

About OpenPKG GmbH

Name OpenPKG GmbH
Weblinger Weg 28
85221 Dachau
Google Maps
Phone Tel: +49 8131 90626 0
Web Email:
Legal Form GmbH – Corporation with limited liability
Jurisdiction Registered Office Location: Dachau
Managing Director / Geschäftsführer:
Ralf S. Engelschall, Thomas Lotterer
Amtsgericht München, HRB 160208
General Data
The managing directors are
accountable for general data protection.
Contact information see top of the page.
Tax Id USt-Id-Nr: DE814592499
Technology Id IEEE IAB: 00-50-C2-65-8x-xx
Bank Account Bank: Deutsche Bank
KTO: 7716905
BLZ: 70070024
IBAN: DE26 70070024 0771690500

Bank: PayPal (Europe) Ltd.
Account: Send Money

Time and Date Current local time in Dachau
General Terms
and Conditions
allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)
available in german language only.

Privacy statement

The web server collects information for every single access and logs the network address of the user, the date and time, the requested page, the delivered data volume, the data delivery status, the user’s browser and operating system, and the referrer as raw data.

The network address can often be used to derive the approximate location of the user.

The content management software (CMS) uses cookies to relate every single access to a session or recurring user.

To improve and develop web server and CMS the raw data is analyzed anonymously without network address, without location and without session.

To improve content the raw data is analyzed anonymously without network address, with location and with session.

For debugging the necessary minimum from all available data is analyzed.

The server is hosted in a German data center run by a German company. CMS is operated by a German corporation. Content responsible is a German corporation as seen in impress. Therefore the supervisory authority for general data protection is the Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI).

Data will be handed over to third parties only when enforced – with one exception: To chase successful or attempted intrusions, attacks, vandalism or abuse all available data is analyzed unrestricted including third party investigators within the european economic area. We do not use the available data for profiling or chasing legitimate users.

For the improvements and investigations mentioned we keep the data indefinitely.

You may contact the accountable person for general data protection to exercise your rights to access, rectify, port, erase, restrict processing or withdraw processing of your personal data.

To counteract use of cookies they can be blocked or deleted in the browser.

To counteract logging, derivation and analysis stay away from the website.

Online Dispute Resolution

Find the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform at We are not obliged to participate in alternative consumer dispute resolution proceedings and do not provide this alternative.